Bipasha Basu & Mandira at Kohler pressure play games event. Bipasha Basu, the doe eyed beauty of Bollywood has carved a niche for herself in the industry. Starting out as a model, today Bipasha is recognized as one of the most sought after actresses in India. Also known as Bips, Bipasha is seeing actor John Abraham and together they make one of the most steadiest couples in Bollywood.
Bipasha Basu & Mandira bedi at Kohler pressure play games event...
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on 11:38 PM
Bipasha Basu & Mandira at Kohler pressure play games event. Bipasha Basu, the doe eyed beauty of Bollywood has carved a niche for herself in the industry. Starting out as a model, today Bipasha is recognized as one of the most sought after actresses in India. Also known as Bips, Bipasha is seeing actor John Abraham and together they make one of the most steadiest couples in Bollywood.